The Call

Have you experienced God calling you and you know exactly what you’re suppose to do and where you suppose to go? and then suddenly everything’s getting blur and you don’t know what you’re doing here and what the purpose is. And you don’t know what to believe anymore. You start questioning everything you once knew and understood. It’s like the revelation seems to be only an illusion. You’re feeling deceived. You’re afraid of moving forward but also of letting go... I’m there right now. I don’t even know whether I’m in the storm or if it’s only a small wind, because I’ve lost the counting of years I’ve struggled through. I don’t even know the difference between calm and storm. But I’m struggling through. And finally I’ll see the sunrise on the horizon. It will be like coming home again. I will lie down and everything will make sense again.
/Var tvungen att ventilera mig och min tro. Det känns bättre efter man har skrivit och visst blir texter så fina dessutom.
Taget från min kristna facebook sida: I Heart Jesus
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